With Black History Month upon us, SiriusXM is paying homage to artists that paved the way for popular music today (even where you least expect it). If i then put this video on my superawesome/landingpage, will that over optimize my keywords for that landingpage? Like if we say i have a piece of content 1000 words, i use exact keyword 3-6 times within the text, and do some generic and synonyms for my content.***Check out SiriusXM’s latest artist channels here*** So if im scripting a nice setup for my youtube video, and thinking about which keywords i use when i talk both generic and exact keywords, and then making closed captions SRT into my youtube video, Google can read what the video is actually is about compared to if you only used your title and description for ranking.

I’ve noticed that doing closed captions SRT instead of using the youtube’s own sub editor, that you can actually make your youtube more readable for Google/youtube. I’ve run into an issue regarding youtube videos both ranking it on youtube but also using it on a landingpage for that higher dwell time, woop woop. Not that this exact scenario happens all the time, but I was turned off by the fact that I went looking for something (instructions on how to install the sensor) and the longer content may have had it, but wasn’t worth my time to dig it out.

The first video I found first (highest ranked one) was about 14 minutes long and, after waiting, then trying to find the part where he actually gets to installing the sensor, I left and went searching for a shorter video. To give you a better idea why I’m asking this: I recently replaced the air flow sensor in my car. My one question is about longer video content: sure, longer content ranks higher, but does it do it’s job at converting better (whether the CTA is to subscribe, sign up for a service, etc., learn a skill, etc.) than shorter videos? Of course, if the intention is purely to get better rankings (which is a huge part) than that’s cool.

Awesome article Brian! I gotta say the two things that stick out to me here are 1) that you found in your research the fact that tags really didn’t seem that important in ranking, and 2) the tip for adding the subscribe button (very visibly) in lieu of a watermark amazing advice!